A basic animation of a man waving created by the artist Mr Mog.
Animated waving guy by MrMog on deviantart.

A simple site to showcase some super online things

Welcome! Here I’ve drawn together examples of my online projects. The samples showcase my experience with designing and developing technical content for the web.

Work samples

Help documentation website

I'm developing a help documentation website in VuePress, Markdown and HTML. The site includes guides, graphics and video to help users setup and customize themes for Shopify stores.

Process documentation website

I created a technical process documentation website using Jekyll that includes text in Markdown and HTML, with graphics and video. The site helps authors develop technical content in Markdown using Visual Studio Code, and implement version control using Git, GitHub and Azure DevOps.

Android ISBN scanner

I helped develop an Android Application, called ISBN Reader, to assist readers with cataloguing and shopping for books. I was also the project’s primary researcher and wrote the using Microsoft Word, Pandoc and LaTex.

Azure training courses

I develop text, graphics and presentations for Microsoft training courses and Microsoft Docs. For examples, visit Waypoint: Examples of our work.

E-learning web application

The First Flask Web Application is an online course for learning to use Flask for Python. I designed and developed the web application in Python, Flask and Reveal.js. I also wrote the content for lessons and supporting webpages in Markdown, HTML and JavaScript.

Tech. writer interview report

I wrote a that I conducted with a medical communications writer to learn about technical writing. The report was written in LaTeX.

Current work

For ’up-to-the-minute’ updates on current work visit my pages on GitHub & GitLab.